Range: 550 | | Move Speed: 290 | Primary: AGI
Str: 16 + 1.7 | Agi: 21 + 2.9 | Int: 15 + 2.6
Damage: 36 - 42 | HP: 454 | Mana: 195
HP Regen: 0.73 | Mana Regen: 0.61
Attack Speed: 1.34 (+ 21% IAS) | Armor: 2
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ScatterShot (C)
Fires a ball full of shrapnel into the air. which promptly explodes, showering the target area in explosive pellets, each doing 20-35 physical damage in a 200 area of effect. Deals damage to buildings. Cast range of around 750. 1 second cast time.
Level 1 - 8 Pellets.
Level 2 - 12 Pellets.
Level 3 - 16 Pellets.
Level 4 - 20 Pellets.
Mana Cost: 120
Cooldown: 12
Headshot ()
A shot to the head deals bonus damage and stuns for a short duration.
Level 1 - 30 damage, 25% chance, 0.1 second stun.
Level 2 - 30 damage, 30% chance, 0.1 second stun.
Level 3 - 40 damage, 35% chance, 0.2 second stun.
Level 4 - 50 damage, 40% chance, 0.2 second stun.
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
Take Aim ()
Passively enhances the range of Kardel's rifle.
Level 1 - Adds 55 range.
Level 2 - Adds 110 range.
Level 3 - Adds 165 range.
Level 4 - Adds 220 range.
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
Assassinate (T)
Take time to draw a bead, and then deal a large amount of damage to the target at a huge range.
Level 1 - Deals 355 damage at 1500 range, 1.7 seconds casting time.
Level 2 - Deals 505 damage at 2000 range, 1.6 seconds casting time.
Level 3 - Deals 655 damage at 2500 range, 1.5 seconds casting time.
Mana Cost: 175 / 275 / 375
Cooldown: 30 / 20 / 10
Rabu, 02 April 2008
Kardel Sharpeye - The Dwarven Sniper
Dwarven Sniper,
Kardel Sharpeye
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